Esic nursing officer previse year exam mcq
1. Who is regarded as the father of Modern Physiology?
a. W. R. Cannon
b. William Harvey
c. Bichat
d. Rayesh
Right answer- B
2. Which of the following denotes the series of changes which the heart undergoes during each
a. Cardiac cycle
b. Blood pressure
c. Krebs’ cycle
d. Cardiac output
Right answer-A
3. Corpus luteum secretes the hormone?
a. Estrogen
b. Relaxin
c. Progesterone
d. Testosterone
Right answer-C
4. Which of the following is not a method of testing disinfectants?
a. Rideadl-Walker test
b. Chick-Martin test
c. Capacity test
d. Paul-Bunnell test
Right answer-C
5. Gram-negative Cocci arranged in pair are?
a. N. Meningitidis
b. S. pneumoniac
c. Listeria monocytogenes
d. Group Streptococci
Right answer-A
6. Which of the following vaccines is used for passive immunization?
a. MMR
b. BCG
c. DPT
d. HTIG (Human Immunoglobulin)
Right answer-D
7. Ideally specimen for culture should be collected?
a. before the start of antibiotic therapy
b. after the completion of antibiotic therapy
c. Both (A) and (B)
d. None of the above
Right answer-D
8.Babies born to hepatitis ‘B’ infected mothers are given?
a. Immunoglobulin only
b. Vaccine only
c. Immunoglobulin and antiviral drug
d. Immunoglobulin and vaccine
Right answer-A
9. Iris is a part of?
a. Sclera
b. choroid
c. choroid and retina
d. sclera and choroid
Right answer-D
10. The brim of the anthropoid pelvis is of which shape?
a. Kidney
b. Heart
c. Round
d. Oval
Right answer-D
11. The largest part of the brain is?
a. Cerebellum
b. Hypothalamus
c. Cerebrum
d. Medulla
Right answer-c
12. The AV node (atrioventricular node) is located in the?
a. Right Atrium
b. Pericardium
c. Myocardium
d. Atrioventricular Septum
Right answer-A
13. The number of thoracic vertebrae in human being is?
a. 5
b. 7
c. 9
d. 12
Right answer-D
14. The most important factor in determining the percent oxygen saturation of haemoglobin is?
a. The partial pressure of oxygen
b. Acidity
c. The partial pressure Oâ‚‚
d. bisphosphoglyceric (BPG) acid
Right answer-A
15. The part of an eye, which acts like a diaphragm of a photographic camera, is?
a. Iris
b. Pupil
c. Lens
d. Cornea
Right answer-A
16. Sign of shock is included in?
a. hypertension and tachycardia
b. hypotension and bradycardia
c. hypotension and tachycardia
d. hypertension and bradycardia
Right answer-B
17. The best method of preventing the spread of in Infection is?
a. Frequent hand writting
b. Use of antibiotics
c. Isolation of patient
d. Burning
Right answer-A
18. The used articles Failure of the heart to pump effectively causes which of the following types of
a. Anaphylactic
b. Cardiogenic
c. Hypovolemic
d. Septic
Right answer-C
19. The chronic inflammation of a delayed hypersensitivity reaction is mediated by?
a. Lymphocyte
b. Histamine
c. Bradykinin
d. Complement
Right answer-A
20. Trauma to the spinal cord and resultant loss of automatic and motor reflects below the injury
level canlead to which of the following types of shock?
a. Cardiogenic
b. Hypovolemic
c. Neurogenic
d. Obstructive
Right answer-C
21. Inflammation of kidney is known as?
a. Otitis Media
b. Nephritis
c. Meningitis
d. Glossitis
Right answer-B
22. Anaemia caused due to the damage and removal of red blood cells before their normal life span?
a. Aplastic anemia
b. Sickle-cell anemia
c. Haemolytic anemia
d. Iron deficiency anemia
Right answer-C
23. Collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity is known as?
a. Pleural Effusion
b. Ascites
c. Oedema
d. None of these
Right answer-B
24. Hydrophobia means?
a. Fear of water
b. fear of height
c. fear to public place
d. fear of marriage
Right answer-A
25. The most common type of eczema is?
a. Diabetes Mellitus
b. Psoriasis
c. Atopic Dermatitis
d. Diarrhea
Right answer-C
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