AIIMS Nursing Officer MCQ 2024

AIIMS Nursing Officer MCQ 2024

AIIMS Nursing Officer MCQ 2024
AIIMS Nursing Officer MCQ 2024

AIIMS Nursing Officer MCQ 2024

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1. In which disorder the most appropriate nursing intervention is to “encourage a patient to express her grief, complete the mourning process and use crisis intervention techniques as needed”.
a. Depression
b. Dysthymia
c. Anxiety disorder
d. Post-traumatic stress disorder
Ans. (d) Post-traumatic stress disorder
Explanation: Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder caused by very stressful, frightening or distressing events. The symptoms of PTSD like disturbed sleep, difficulty in concentration, irritability and guilt. Encourage the clients to express their grief, will help to relieve the client from distresS.

3. In psychoanalytic terms, obsessive compulsive disorder is fixed at:
a. Oedipal stage
c. Oral stage
b. Genital stage
d. Anal stage
4. Which of the following is an example of classical conditioning?
a. Dog learns to salivate on hearing bell
b. Rat presses lever to get food delivered
c. Crow pecks at key for food delivery
d. All of the above
5. Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?
a. Dog learns to salivate on hearing bell
b. Rat presses lever to get food delivered
c. Crow pecks at key for food delivery
d. All of the above

6. The theory of operant conditioning was experimented by:
a. William James
c. Harry Stock Sullivan
b. Ivan Pavlov
d. B F Skinner

8. ‘Reinforcement’ is used in:
a. Psychoanalysis
b. Hypno-analysis
c. Abreaction
d. Conditioned learning

8. According to Freud, Child adopts parental standards, traits and habits through:
a. Regression
c. Introjection
b. Imitation
d. Identification

50. Which of the following is an example of sublimation? (AIIMS BPL NO 2018)
a. Blaming the teacher for failing in exams
b. A woman has no memory of being sexually assaulted as a child
c. Child starts bedwetting after the birth of sibling
d. A young man who is dealing with aggression by playing football
Explanation: Rechanneling of drives or impulses (aggression) that are personally or socially unacceptable into activities that are constructive (playing football) is known as sublimation.

51. Adaptive mechanism of giving excuses when a person cannot solve a problem: (AIIMS Nagpur NO 2018)
a. Projection
c. Rationalization
b. Substitution
d. Compensation
Explanation: Rationalization is a process in which an individual justifies his failure and socially unacceptable behavior by giving socially approved reasons. Example: A student who fails in the examination may complain that the hostel atmosphere is not
favorable and resulted in his failure.

52. In which defense mechanism anxiety is expressed through physical symptoms? (AIIMS Raipur Staff Nurse Grade I-2018)
a. Projection
c. Conversion
b. Regression
d. Hypochondriasis
Explanation: Conversion as a defense mechanism occurs where cognitive tensions manifest themselves in physical symptoms. The symptom may well be symbolic and dramatic and it often acts as a communication about the situation. Extreme symptoms may include paralysis, blindness, deafness, becoming mute or having a seizure.
Regression is an ego defense mechanism in which person goesback to the earlier stage of development. Hypochondriasis meansperson believe that he/she may having serious but undiagnosedmedical condition. Projection is blaming someone else for one’sown difficulty.

53. Which of the following describes “ego defense mechanism”?(DSSSB)
a. A mechanism designed to reduce stress and conflict caused
by specific experiences.
b. A mechanism designed to remove psychological barriers
c. Any form of martial arts
d. A method for negotiating a stage of development
Explanation: Defense mechanisms operate at an unconscious leveland help ward off unpleasant feelings, (i.e., anxiety) or make goodthings feel better for the individual.

54. Rechanneling of socially unacceptable drives into activitiesthat are more tolerable and constructive is known as:
a. Displacement
c. Intellectualization
b. Sublimation
d. Projection
Explanation: It is the definition of sublimation. Displacement meanstransfer of feeling from one target to another. Intellectualizationmeans avoidances of expression of actual emotion associated withstressful situation. Projection is attributing feelings or impulsesunacceptable to one’s self to another person.

55. Which of the following client behavior indicates displacement?
a. Ignoring unpleasant aspects of reality
b. Resisting any demand made by others
c. Using imaginary activity to escape reality
d. Directing pent-up emotions to other than the primary source.
Explanation: Acting out angry or express feeling on a weaker or safer object indicates displacement.

56. A client stated that “people get angry and take it out onme”. This sentence indicates which of the following defensemechanism.
a. Denial
c. Displacement
b. Projection
d. Intellectualization
Explanation: Attributing unacceptable feeling to others is themechanism known as projection.

57. Imposing one’s own weaknesses to others is a defense mechanism, known as:
a. Projection
b. Intellectualization
c. Suppression
d. Displacement
Explanation: Projection is a defense mechanism that involves
taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and imposing them
to other people.

58. Finding a logical reason for the things that one wants to do ‘sour grapes’ mechanism is:
a. Projection

b. Rationalization
c. Identification

d. Sublimation
Explanation: In psychology, rationalization (also known as making excuses) is a defense mechanism in which controversial behaviors or feelings are justified and explained in a seemingly rational or logical manner to avoid the true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable – or even admirable and superior – by plausible means. It is also an informal fallacy of reasoning.

59.The involuntary blocking of unpleasant feeling and experiences from one’s awareness is known as: (RPSC Nursing Tutor 2009)
a. Displacement

b. Repression
c. Regression

d. Suppression
Explanation: Repression involves placing uncomfortable thoughts in relatively inaccessible areas of the subconscious mind.

60.An attempt to avoid expressing actual emotions associated with a stressful situation by using the intellectual process ofB logic, reasoning and analysis is: (AIIMS)
a. Suppression

b. Regression
c. Intellectualization

d. Displacement
Explanation: Intellectualization is a defense mechanism where reasoning is used to block confrontation with an unconscious conflict and is associated with emotional stress where thinking is used to avoid feeling. The given situation refers to an intellectualization.

AIIMS Nursing Officer Exam MCQ 2023

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